Every year since 2005 Detroit has Heart has given to families in our community experiencing hardships in a variety of ways. From clothes and shoes to food and basic essentials, those in need of emergency relief could count on us! The circumstances of 2020 have not allowed us to open our facility again just yet, but because of your support we have been able to continue our Winter Assistance program (formerly Holiday Help) THERE ARE A FEW WAYS YOU CAN HELP US REACH THOSE EXPERIENCING HARDSHIPS….
Our 2021 outreach includes TURKEY DINNERS and CANNED GOODS for 500 Families and Seniors in need and HOPE FOR THE HOMELESS BAGS full of essentials and food for 200 people on the cold streets of Detroit!
Please partner with us! Your tax deductible donation of just $25 will help us feed a family this year OR Keep the Homeless Warm and Fed
Thank You!!
Select your sponsorship level, download our Sponsorship and Advertising One Sheets, view our Sponsorship Presentation, or browse our Sponsorship Brochure below.
Providing Emergency Relief to Families in Need

- Collection & Distribution of Clothing
- Shoes & Outerwear
- Non-Perishable Food
- Toiletries

- Housing
- Mental Health
- Adopt-A-Family
- Family2Family Holiday Help

- Financial Literacy
- Nutritional & Wellness
- ACT/SAT Prep
- Tutoring
One Family At a Time
Thanks to our sponsors. Their partnership is helping us secure our future.